Ikerne Mestre is multidimensional stylist, mentor and facilitator.  A mystic on Earth, she activates embodied female sovereignty and authentic self-expression through ritualistic adornment, glamour magick, and conscious styling. In service to Goddess and The Rose Lineage, she alchemized her spiritual path with her professional background in fashion to help women awaken to their true beauty and divine feminine essence.

I open this space for us to courageously open our hearts to reignite the magic of being alive, to remember we are all one, and to celebrate every aspect of our being. For all of us to recall our beauty, our genius, and unique aesthetic vision, and express that confidently and consistently. For all of us to inhabit ourselves in a corporeality of beauty and essence.

For all of us to live as the fullest expression of ourselves, to break free from our conditioning, and explore every facet of our souls on this human journey.


I am in service to The Goddess, and I am here to support the unlocking of the pathways into the Holy Temples of the Divine Feminine, where we can meet ourselves with infinite love and grace.
My intention is to awaken women to their unique medicine and their truest, fullest, and most powerful selves. For all of us to cultivate radical self-love and unconditional self-acceptance.


I work closely and connect deeply with my clients to create a specific experience for each one depending on their intention and needs. My services combine a constellation of practical, theoretical, and mystical modalities, in order to truly expand on possibilities and exceed expectations both on the inner and outer planes. My work prioritizes sustainability, efficiency, congruency, a deeper meaning, and hidden depths. The space is meant to inspire liberated expression, primordial sovereignty, multidimensional harmony, and joyous radiance.

Life is The ceremony   

Your Body's the Temple 

 You are The Goddess     

Dress accordingly

This is an invitation to remember your beautiful essence and divinity.
This is an invitation to remember you are the creatrix.
This is an invitation to remember you are your own muse.
This is an invitation to remember all you seek is within you. 
This is an invitation to remember.
Are you ready to answer the calling? 
If you are ready to step onto this path, go check out my offerings.